Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hassan Muslli

The Path to Successful Future

What high school students care about is what they’ll do in their weekend, want kind of boy or girl they want, when they’ll get a new car or get out of school. But the main point here is how this students wake up and thinking about their future without a clue from their parents and their teachers, and it’s important to know how they decide of which major they take. Students must start to plan for the future from the first year of high school.
Making a plan about the major is very difficult especially when the teenagers don’t have much information about the majors and jobs. So, the beginning will be from the teachers and give the students more information about all majors and give them the freedom to see themselves in these jobs. Let them to take some tests and show them how they did in these tests. Moreover, it’s more important to understand their skills and their talent. The plan will be easier if there are some help. When they finish the high school here will be the next step. Choosing the path of the future, and it’s the time to decide what the students want to be. This is not easy specially if the student didn’t take the tests or learned about the different major. So the problem will be what they are going to do. So they just see what their friends doing and do the same thing. And here is another problem. They discovered in the meddle if the way that major is different from their skills, so they change the major to something else.

Future for the children is just to be rich and successful, and this is something good to choose. But what happen in high school is like a nap from this stuff and leave it to another time so in the last year in high school they mention that they need to choose the way to be famous and successful, so they want to be doctors or engineers. In addition.They need important help to wake them up to start planning to the future from the first year of school. In conclusion, if we teach our children about good jobs in our life their mind will discovered there are a lot of important things to care about like choosing the path of the future.

Randall S. (31, July 2006). Choosing a College Major: How to Chart You Ideal Path. Retrieved (02, Aug 2006) from _major.html

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hassan muslli
Summry respons

Hi,In this article “Can read, won’t read books” by Martha Buckley, talks about how important to grow up in house that value reading books and you will have stronger chance to read when growing up.
According to National Statistics, “ Commissioned by the national reading campaign in 2001, found a quarter of adults had not read a book in the pervious 20 months”. Although book sales are up 19% in the UK.
One of reason that people don’t like read, is the TV. People like to go home to relax and don’t mind to watch TV while relaxing. The 2nd reason is, people are traveling more that before. Visiting so many places and talking lots of picture and share it with their friends in the new ipod.
I believe famous people should inspire young people to read to achieve their dream and to be someone big in the future.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Can the colors make a change in our life ?

Hi, I visited this site today : it talks about how colors can make a change in our life,And is this true to believe or not?..

There is a lot of information about the colors and what every color means in life …

Some believe that the colors can contact people between each other and every color has an occasion.

In my opinion this is true and if you can see the commercials in media , and Choose the right color in the right advertisement , and it makes a difference if we change this color.

Also, I like this website because it talks about all colors we use and see in our life, but the author should talk about every color with a different font color, and not make it all with black.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Can a video game lead to murder?

I visited this website, it’s for CDS news, it talked about murdering and video game would be responsible for murder.

The article written on March 6, 2006 and showed a kid who was 18 years old and who was responsible for killing three people. He took this idea from a game called Grand Theift Auto.

This game was about a paid killer, and this is what the article is good because there is an introduction in the beginning and it showed a picture of who was responsible for this game and who was the killer.

Sometimes this is right; the game can lead to murder.

But that depends on the relationship between the families to their kids

The website is made by lycos 2006, the desian is very good but the long Icon makes the website uneasy to use , there is a good detail about every game, and the reasch bar is good because it`s on the top.

In my opinion , the website needs more attractive things like more pictures of games and put bars for advrertising , so it makes people visit the website more than now . And also they can make money by it .